Optima Therapies is an online provider of speech-language therapy and dyslexia intervention for children and adults. The online therapy model allows for the delivery of services across the United States and in regions with limited specialized support. In addition to therapy, you can schedule a consultation, screening or a comprehensive evaluation. All treatment plans are implemented in accordance with evidence-based practices, and special considerations are given to individual learning styles and needs.
Speech & Language
Speech and language treatment areas
include, but are not limited to, expressive
and receptive language disorders, articulation
disorders, childhood apraxia of speech
and social/pragmatic language. Click the link
to learn more about speech and language
services and areas of treatment.
Online Therapy
Optima Speech & Language offers online sessions for speech and language intervention. Click the link below to learn more about how you might benefit from an online therapy model.
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
To schedule a free consult