Having dyslexia makes learning to read difficult. Although dyslexia is not a condition to be outgrown, there are teaching approaches that can help. Some of the common signs or indicators of dyslexia are:
-Delayed speech and/or language
-Problems with word retrieval or naming items
-Difficulty with rhyming, counting syllables,
naming sounds in words, and auditory
discrimination of sounds
-Difficulty with letter identification and/or
learning letter sounds
-Writing difficulties
- Letter reversals after first grade
-Expressive and/or receptive language
-Difficulty organizing thoughts
-Spelling difficulties
-Poor comprehension
-A family history of dyslexia
Early identification and intervention are paramount when addressing reading challenges. It is important to intervene with methods such as the Orton-Gillingham Approach for a systematic, multisensory approach to literacy. The Orton-Gillingham Approach focuses on individual learning styles and needs, and it provides explicit reading instruction that follows the science of reading. In addition to this broad structured literacy approach, our intervention plans include methods and programs such as such as the Orton-Gillingham Method, Barton and Wilson Reading Systems, Speech to Print, IEW, and targeted programs for phonological awareness.